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ActionAid International ("AAI," "ActionAid", “the Federation”, "We", "Us", "Our") understands and values the importance of individual privacy. At ActionAid We are strongly committed to protecting the


Action For Change-ActionAid Afghanistan Newsletter

Dear Friends,
ActionAid Afghanistan is happy to announce the publication of its first-ever newsletter, giving you a glimpse of our work in Afghanistan. I would like to offer our sincere thanks and


Building Afghanistan’s Resilience: Natural Hazards, Climate Change, and Humanitarian Needs

Afghanistan is facing one of the world’s most serious humanitarian and environmental crises, with millions of people in need of assistance and an even greater number at risk from natural hazards and


AAA Country Strategic Paper 2018 - 2022

With This Country Strategy Paper III , “People’s power for social justice and inclusive  economic empowerment,”  ActionAid reconfirms its commitment to be in Afghanistan , to be a part of the poverty

ActionAid Volunteer helps a Disabled Participant with a Mask and Hygiene before delivery

During the Distributions of Kits ActionAid Volunteer helps a Disabled Participant with a Mask and Hygiene before delivery

ActionAid Volunteer helps a Disabled Participant with a Mask and Hygiene before delivery

ActionAid Staff Support A Disabled Participant of the program

ActionAid Staff Support A Disabled Participant of the program

Food & Hygiene Kit Support Under Afghanistan COVID-19 Response Kabul Urban, 2020

An Elderly Participant receives his entitlement

An Elderly Participant receives his entitlement

An Elderly Participant receives his entitlement

A Woman Participant waits for her turn to receive her Kit

A Woman Participant is helped with a her Food Kit Delivery.

A Woman Participant waits for her turn to receive her Kit

A Woman Participant is helped with a her Food Kit Delivery.

A Woman Participant is helped with a her Food Kit Delivery.

A Woman Participant is helped with a her Food Kit Delivery.