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From Despair to Triumph: Gul Shah's Transformation Through CBARD-ALL project

Mr Gull shah's land rehabilitated

In the heart of the picturesque Nangarhar Province, where the fertile lands hold the dreams of many, Gul Shah, is a resilient 55-year-old farmer hailing from Bar Shagai village in Kot District. His family includes 5 daughters and 5 sons, his two young sons are disabled they can’t walk, Gul Shah shoulders the responsibility for all family’s needs.

Gulshah has 8 jerib agriculture land, over the past 15 years, the only source of income for Gul shah’s family is his 8 jerib agriculture land, but his land damaged by floods, he faced numerous challenges and tough times, due to flood damage to his land. With a family of 12 members to support and high inflation rates, Gul Shah was struggling to make ends meet.

His 8 jerib agriculture land, which used to be full of products, showed signs of damage from bad weather. Heavy rains and floods caused a lot of destruction, before the flood his monthly income was around 20.000 AFN, but it decreased to 3000 AFN. Gul Shah found himself at a crossroads, grappling with the soaring cost of living and the relentless grip of inflation. Desperation loomed large, casting a shadow over his once-thriving farmstead.

Text Box: Rebuilt irrigation canal for Mr. Gul Shah land through cash for work activityA person walking on a path near a river

Description automatically generatedWith tears in his eyes Gul shah reflects:” my land was my hope, I could manage my families’ basic needs and foods from my land products, we were all happy that at least we have this source of income, but unfortunately on 14th May 2024 the floods destroyed my land, even I wasn’t able to provide medicine for my sick and disabled sons, “ 

However, fate took an unexpected turn when whispers of the CBARD-ALL Project reached Gul Shah's ears, carrying with them the promise of renewal and prosperity. Intrigued by the possibility of a brighter tomorrow, The survey team of the CBARD-ALL project commenced assessing the flood-affected lands for restoration on June 4, 2024, in Shagey village of Kot District in Nangarhar Province. Among the damaged lands surveyed, Gul Shah's plot stood out. Meeting the eligibility criteria for the cash-for-work initiative, Gul Shah and five laborers worked on a daily wage basis for seven days to rehabilitate the irrigation canal and construct a protective wall. This effort not only benefited Gul Shah but also proved advantageous to several other farmers who relied on the same irrigation canal

As Gul Shah delved into the comprehensive beneficiary profile survey, a glimmer of hope ignited within his heart. His land, selected for its capacity to not only benefit him but also aid over a hundred fellow farmers, emerged as a canvas for profound transformation. Through the ActionAid's CBARD-ALL Project, funded by the UNDP, which strives to establish sustainable and dignified livelihood opportunities via advanced agricultural methods, a legitimate substitute to illicit crop cultivation was introduced. By concentrating on the restoration of flood-affected lands, this initiative breathed fresh vitality into Gul Shah's farm, infusing it with upgraded irrigation systems and a revitalized sense of purpose.

Days turned into weeks, and the once-barren lands now teemed with vitality and promise. Through the diligent efforts of the project's team, Gul Shah witnessed firsthand the miraculous revival of his farmstead. The increased land productivity not only elevated his own fortunes but also paved the way for a bountiful harvest that would sustain the entire community.

The impact of the CBARD-ALL project rippled beyond Gul Shah's fields, resonating with the wider community in Kot District. Job opportunities burgeoned, livelihoods flourished, and a sense of collective empowerment took root, fostering a spirit of resilience and camaraderie among the villagers.

With newfound zeal and a heart brimming with gratitude, Gul Shah harvested the fruits of his labor, both literal and metaphorical. His produce, now abundant and of superior quality, found eager buyers in the market, marking a significant milestone in his journey towards self-sufficiency and prosperity.

On his own words: “I really thank ActionAid team; my life has changed now. I participated in cash for work program of CBARD-ALL which my land rehabilitated and, I could receive money for those days which I worked “

He added: “now our life has turned to my previous best days which we had before floods, before receiving support from CBARD-ALL project I only could earn 3000 AFN but now by cultivating corn I have been able to earn 17,000 AFN. I can provide my families some food items form my own land, and I can sell my products in Market and earn money for the other needs.”

The success of Gul Shah's story highlights the effectiveness of initiatives like the CBARD-ALL Project in assisting farmers and communities in need. By expanding production levels, creating employment opportunities, and fostering cooperation among residents, such projects play a vital role in sustainable development and poverty alleviation in rural areas.

The rehabilitation of lands impacted by flood damage is a complex process, especially given the prevalent inflation and hardships faced by farmers and residents in Afghanistan. The assistance provided by the UNDP through the CBARD-ALL project, executed by Action Aid Afghanistan, has significantly improved production levels in the area. Furthermore, other farmers have also experienced substantial benefits compared to the previous year, primarily because their lands lacked a proper irrigation channel system in Bar Shagai village, Kot District. This initiative has not only increased production quantities but has also created job opportunities through the cash-for-work activities, leading to positive changes in the lives of labourers and farmers in the community.