Improved Economic Stability for Nangarhar Farmers with Greenhouse Rehabilitation

In an encouraging development for farmers in Nangarhar province, the rehabilitation of 171 greenhouses is currently underway. The progress made so far is remarkable, with 35 greenhouses already completed, directly benefiting 35 families comprising 245 individuals, including 100 females. Additionally, work on 15 other greenhouses is nearly 85% complete.
The districts of Chaparhar, Rodat, Achin, and Kot are among the areas experiencing the positive impact of the completed greenhouses. Farmers in these districts can now look forward to improved economic stability as their rehabilitated greenhouses become valuable sources of income.
Merani, a resident of Zagho village in Chaparhar district, expresses his happiness as the construction of his own greenhouse, which had experienced past delays, has now resumed and been successfully completed. He recognizes the crucial role his greenhouse will play in generating future income for him and his family.
These ongoing rehabilitation efforts are a significant boost for Nangarhar province's agricultural sector. As more greenhouses are completed, an increasing number of farmers will gain access to sustainable livelihood opportunities. These initiatives align with the goals of CBARD-ALL, demonstrating a strong commitment to supporting farmers and fostering economic stability.