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Cash for Work Distribution in Ghor Province

Cash For Work project in Ghor province

ActionAid. Afghanistan successfully distributed cash for work payments to 980 families as part of the second round of  FAO supported Project. The distribution took place in Firozkoh district of Ghor province.

Through this Project, a total of 6,470 eligible beneficiaries were selected from three districts in Ghor province, namely Firozkoh, Dawlatyar, and Lal wa Sarjangal. These beneficiaries were primarily engaged in various tasks, including trench executions, gabion weaving, stone masonry, and other related activities. Everyone who actively participated in the project sites for 20 days received a cash payment of $100.

The cash for work distribution provided immediate financial support to the selected beneficiaries, helping them meet their essential needs. By engaging local communities in productive work, the project aimed to alleviate poverty and enhance livelihoods in the region. The tasks assigned to the beneficiaries, such as trench executions and gabion weaving, also contributed to infrastructure development and environmental conservation.