ActionAid Northern Region Implements Cash-for-Work and Infrastructure Projects in Jawzjan Province
ActionAid Northern Region Implements Cash-for-Work and Infrastructure Projects in Jawzjan Province
The ActionAid Afghanistan’s Northern Region team is taking significant steps towards development and recovery in Aqcha, Qarqin, and Khamab districts of Jawzjan province, through the implementation of cash-for-work activities and infrastructure construction projects, these initiatives are part of the 124 UNJ project and aim to benefit 2,100 individuals. The projects are expected to be completed by February 9, 2024.
The cash-for-work activities have become a lifeline for the communities in these districts, allowing them to actively participate in the reconstruction of local infrastructure while earning a livelihood. One crucial aspect of the initiatives is the reconstruction of the irrigation system, which not only improves agricultural practices but also helps mitigate potential damage caused by floods.
The AAA Northern Region team's efforts in implementing these projects demonstrate their commitment to supporting the affected communities and fostering sustainable development in Jawzjan province.