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ActionAid, Afghanistan Empowers 200 Households with Honeybees and Beekeeping Equipment in Jawzjan province.

ActionAid, Afghanistan Empowers 200 Households with Honeybees and Beekeeping Equipment in Jawzjan province.

ActionAid, Afghanistan in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) under the GCP-AFG-106 USA project, has successfully concluded the distribution of honeybees and beekeeping equipment to 200 deserving households in Aqcha district of Jawzjan province.

This initiative aims to empower communities, promote sustainable beekeeping practices, and foster economic resilience. ActionAid Jawzjan expresses gratitude for the collaboration and looks forward to monitoring the positive impact of this endeavor.

As the recipients embark on their beekeeping journey, it is anticipated that this intervention will generate economic opportunities, enhance food security, and contribute to the conservation of natural resources in Aqcha district.