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ActionAid, Afghanistan Distributes Crop Seeds to 2,200 Households in Jawzjan Province

  ActionAid, Afghanistan Distributes Crop Seeds to 2,200 Households in Jawzjan Province

Under the FAO project 129/ASB, crop seed distribution has been begun ActionAid, Afghanistan in Jawzjan province's five districts: Aqcha, Qushtepa, Faizabad, Darzab, and Mordian. A total of 2,200 households have been surveyed, and each beneficiary will receive a summer crop seeds package containing mung bean or sesame seeds, along with urea and DAP fertilizer. Training sessions on cultivation techniques and sustainable farming practices will also be provided. The distribution started on May 21 and is currently ongoing, contributing to improved agricultural productivity and food security in the region.

The distribution of crop seeds and accompanying training sessions are expected to empower households, promote sustainable farming practices, and contribute to improved food security in the region. The FAO project stands as a vital initiative in supporting the agricultural sector and uplifting the livelihoods of rural communities in Jawzjan province